Hello hello , you’ve reached my page.
I decided to make my own page since I couldn’t find a platform that would be fit to publish what I wanted to share about some things that I’ve done, and places I’ve visited, in the way I wanted. And here it is, that’s all.

I do this as an exercise in not forgetting things. And for all those pictures to be something more than information on a hard drive that no one sees. To share all that with my friends, relatives, and any other person that may find what I have to tell interesting. Simple as that.
What’s in here?
What I want to show here can be divided into four basic things:
Reports on travels that I’ve made. With an Aviation geek focus and some general content on the impressions I’ve had and the history of the places I’ve visited, on the section called Jauntin’.
Some general interest notes on matters about Aviation and travel. More or less focused on people who don’t know much about it, and with the sole aim of sharing a bit of the knowledge that I have about this. All that in The more you know.
I have also written some things about myself. Things like statistics, part of my history, and some of the facts why I’ve had the life that I’ve had.
On top of that I mention some things of my life that have nothing to do with Aviation, such as the infinite love that I have for my furry family, especially my little Violeta. Of course, this love goes to the human family too, but they won’t appear much here due to privacy concerns.
Many of those things intertwine with the other sections, and give some additional context. Ramirez is the place of those things.
Speaking about photography, in the Photo gallery there are photos that I have taken on my trips, on my spotting sessions, and of the doggies on a context outside the written articles.
I have uploaded photos on other Aviation websites and the like, and I don’t intend to stop doing it. But it’s also good to have my own gallery that is not limited by the rules of a third person on other platforms.
Last but not least, there are some basic considerations about the contents and copyright on this website, and a way to contact me in case it becomes necessary.
Finishing, I’ve tried for the website to work on as many platforms and devices as possible, it should work acceptably fine on most.
Nonetheless, it’s mainly designed to be seen on a laptop or desktop, and there could be some issues with images or galleries that don’t appear as intended, or not at all, in some mobile devices or using Safari.
I recommend seeing it on a laptop or desktop, using Chrome or Firefox, so it appears as I’ve intended for it to appear, with all the images and galleries the way I’ve originally designed it.