Welcome to the photo gallery.
Here you will find photos that I have taken of things I like, which is basically what this website is all about. There are three main topics: Aviation, the travels I’ve made and other things without an Aviation focus, and the doggies. All the photos were taken by me.

The photos are hosted in Flickr, and you can see them right there if you want by clicking here. Otherwise, below you can see what I’ve published starting by the latest ones.
For convenience, topics have been divided into interest areas and sub-areas, especially the Aviation topic. Click on what you’re interested in. On this page you can see a selection of all.
The basic copyright rules apply (basically the photos can’t be used without authorisation). If you are interested on using any photo for any purpose, even something non for profit, please contact me to talk about it.
Thanks for visiting!
Photos appear of groups of 9. Click on the one you’re interested in to see it full screen.
The photo title and the controls in full screen disappear after a few seconds, click on the photo to make them appear again.
On a mobile device slide left or right.
Click anywhere outside the photo to exit full screen mode.
On a mobile device drag up or down until leaving full screen mode.
You can also use the keyboard arrows to navigate between photos, and the ESC key to exit full screen mode.
To see the next group of 9 (if it exists), use the pagination below the group of photos.